Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Recovering from the past, getting closure on it, and moving on, into rayes of sunlight, into realms of bright possibilities.. into the opportunities of a lifetime.. with a new heart.. with a new mind, I can see things in a different perspective and want to make different choices, better ones! But no one can do it for me, no one can make it any easier..

Except for my friend Jesus. In Him I live and move and have my being.

A mind takes on new life- it takes on new perspective, can see what it has not, before. It takes on new challenges, can move ahead into the light of eternal mind.. Dreams, hope.. take on new meaning.. life can take on new meaning.

The raw challenge of tackling what I have been putting off, what I have neglected, and taking hold of the problems with the gloves of prayer.. putting on the robes which Christ commands.. from here it is forward.

Onward, upward.


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